You surely know that working out is essential in order to gain muscle. Of course, that’s not all. Dieting and resting have at least the same influence on muscle growth as training itself. You can find all kind of tips on the internet. Some of them are pretty useful,...
Starting the day Engine noises of passing cars interrupt my sleep and I wake up. I do not even have to look out the window to verify that it’s far too early to get up. Therefore I close my eyes again… I open my eyes and stretch my arms above my head. My smartphone,...
Summer is pretty much over here in Switzerland, and temperatures have decreased rapidly over the last few days. I can’t complain about this summer as we could enjoy much more sunny days than usual. A thing I have noticed is that my performance in the gym, which...
How often have you read that you need to work out every single day – which means: 7 days a week, 31 days a month, 365 days a year – to look fit and muscular? I see it all the time. Either on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, the #NoDaysOff hashtag is...
Hi everyone First of all, I’d like to give you a short update concerning my current fitness level: I’ve lost weight and also strength the last weeks as I couldn’t really work out and my diet was slacking off. Fortunately, military service is over for this year and so...
Hey guys I am proud to announce my sponsorship with Sportbenzin who is supplement seller located in Switzerland. The great thing about being sponsored by a supplier rather than a brand is I can be honest about what supplement brands I actually use and give you guys...