Everyone who’s into gymnastics is familiar with the name BRANDON WYNN.

He’s a professional gymnast who is a member of the U.S. World and National Team, and has competed in world championship two times. Also, he just qualified for RIO 2016 – how awesome is that?!

His nickname “lord of the rings” is not far-fetched since his performance on the still rings is more than just impressive. Strength elements like Full Planche, Iron Cross, Maltese or Azarian, Brandon masters the hardest moves with ease. In fact, there’s even a strength element named after Brandon.

Let’s see the promotion video for next year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro to get introduced in Brandon’s gymnastics world:

Brandon Wynn has not only made a name for himself in gymnastics, he’s also well-known in fitness circles. Regularly, he uploads recordings of his training sessions on social media accounts. Moreover, tips on how to gain muscle, how to eat for best recovery or how to master certain skills can be found on his Instagram and Facebook account.

Let’s now have a look into Brandon’s training and his approach on nutrition and supplements.

How much time do you spend in the gym on daily basis?

I work out about 6 hours a day, 6 days a week.  That is total fitness(gymnastics, rehab, etc.)


With what kind of activities do you fill the day, if you have a complete day off from the gym and also from university?

On days off I jut relax and goo for a good walk.  Active recovery the best approach for me.

Brandon Wynn

How does a normal day in your life look like?

  • 7am wake and go walk outside for about 20 minutes.  Clear my mind and meditate.
  • 8am breakfast
  • 9am-11am first practice
  • 1130am lunch
  • 12am-2pm  work with my online team, training clients with nutrition and fitness goals.
  • 3pm lunch again
  • 330pm-630pm practice
  • 6pm recover center
  • 630pm dinner
  • 630pm-830pm work with online clients again, do work related other endevours.
  • 9pm dinner
  • 10pm sleep

What’s your favorite event and why?

I like the rings because the hard work really shows in the result.  The harder you work, the better you look.

Brandon Wynn

Your physique is definitely enviable. You’ve even made it on the cover of Muscle and Fitness once. Is that all coming from bodyweight moves or do you lift weights on regular basis?

95 percent of my training is body weight.  There are time periods that I train with weights but never for a long period of time.

Would you say your aesthetic physique is a byproduct of your performance or do you sometime work out for aesthetic reasons?

My body is a tool and  my look is a result of what I do in my profession.

How do you program your training? In bodybuilding, you train only certain muscles a day. Does this also apply to you?

I program my rings training similarly to a bodybuilder.  I training my rigns strength 3 times per week with varying principles and techniques.

Working on certain muscles without getting too sore the next day seems to be a challenge. What actions do you take for recovery?

Great question.  I always do a contrast bath.  1minute in 50 degrees F tub and then 1 minutes in 102 degrees F tub.  I go back and forth for 12 minutes.  I also have a training staff that works on my regularly.

How do you keep your flexibility while gaining strength and muscle?

I believe that one does not affect the other.  The only thing that changes is the athletes focus.  If you keep up your focus on flexibility, you can keep that level no matter the amount of muscle you gain.

Could you tell us what you eat on a daily basis?

  • Breakfast: egg whites and oats
  • Snack: vegs, brown rice, chicken
  • Lunch: vegs, sweet potato, fish
  • Snack: peanut butter and bread
  • Dinner: chicken, brown rice, vegs
  • Snack: protein shake

What is your supplementation like and why have you chosen 1st Phorm’s products?

I use 1st Phorm because I believe they make the best stuff hands down.  They take a lot of time in making their products, and really pay attention the quality.

Brandon Wynn

They also have a FDA approve facility.  I always set up a deal with my clients and when they go through my site, brandonwynn.1stphorm.com they will get free shipping and I can track their orders.  Once I see there order placed, I give them a free supplement plan on how to use everything correctly.

In Calisthenics and street workout, full planche is considered as THE skill. What advices do you give to someone who wants to learn the planche?

What I think works best is to come up with a plan and stick to it.  The worst plan, followed consistently, will always have a better result then a great plan followed inconsistently.

Brandon Wynn

As a top athlete and personal trainer, a lot of people ask you for advice on their way to become fitter, slimmer and more muscular. What are the most common mistakes people do in terms of training and diet in your opinion?

The biggest mistakes are inconsistency and not giving a plan the correct amount of time to take effect.  That is why a lot of people come to me for coaching.  I can over see their progress and make sure they are on track.  All they have to do is follow the plan and watch the results happen.

What three tips do you give to someone who’d like to get a body like yours?

You need: The right nutrition, plan and guidance.  Learn that information for yourself or find someone who already knows it!

Martin Blättler


I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did. More interviews with other athletes are already on their way. Feel free to leave a feedback in the comment section.

Martin Blättler, Founder of GymPerformance

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